About the Ashley High School Orchestra
The Ashley High School Orchestra continues to grow by numbers and ability each year. From an ensemble that used to rehearse during one class period, the orchestra now meets during three different class periods. The orchestra takes pride in performing a wide variety of music, including rock and jazz music. Beyond their regularly-scheduled concerts, the orchestra often performs at school events, as well as events across the community, state, and country. In addition, the Chamber Orchestra regularly works alongside students with special needs in the United Sound program.
The Ashley High School Orchestra is directed by Ms. Jessica Embry. Ms. Embry joined the Ashley High School family in the fall of 2010, and became full time at Ashley in the fall of 2012. She is a member of the School Improvement Team, Eye of the Eagle Service Honor Society, and the Ashley High School PTSA.
Prior to teaching in Wilmington, Ms. Embry taught orchestra for 3 years at Lumberton Jr. and Sr. High Schools. She obtained her B.M. and M.M. in Double Bass Performance from Ohio University and her M.M. in Music Theory from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Ms. Embry was selected to participate as a teacher-leader in the Governor's Teacher Network for the 2014-2015 school year. During first semester, she conducted action research on intrinsic motivation in the instrumental music ensemble within her classes. In February, she presented a 90 minute session at the 2014 NCMEA Eastern Region Orchestra event. She also presented her session at the NC Governor's Teacher Network Conference in the summer of 2015.
Ms. Embry is an active member of NCMEA. She served as Chair of the Orchestra Section from 2012-2014. Past experiences include chairing the Eastern Region Music Performance Adjudication and the NC All-State Honors Orchestra for multiple years. She presented sessions on music theory, sight-reading, and intrinsic motivation at recent NCMEA Professional Development Conferences. She also had her articles "Intrinsic Motivation in the Instrumental Music Classroom" and "Music Theory in the Strings Classroom" published in the NC Music Educator Journal. She presented a session on behalf of Music & Arts at the 2014 SCMEA Professional Development Conference.
Ms. Embry is an alumna of Sigma Alpha Iota, a music fraternity for women. In addition, she worked for six summers as a counselor, rehearsal assistant, and private lesson teacher at UNCG's Summer Music Camp.
Along with her teaching responsibilities, Ms. Embry spends her time playing in the worship band/serving at her church, relaxing on the beach, and hanging out with friends. She enjoys working with the students of Ashley High School and looks forward to many years of great music and great fun!